Have you been hearing everyone around you talking about Acai berries lately? “I'm doing an Acai berry treatment!”, “Acai berries, the benefits are indescribable to me!” or “I have now found the best Acai berry webshop! You'd love to join the conversation, but… um, what are Acai berries?
Acai berries are dark blue, purple berries. They grow on the Acai palm in part of the Amazon region in Brazil, Suriname and Guyana. Acai berries grow in bunches, like bananas. The locals harvest the bunches by climbing the palm with their machete. After harvesting, the Acai berries can be processed into, for example, Acai Berry Powder, or the Acai berries can be dried. One thing is certain: Acai berries are extremely healthy! They are packed with antioxidants, and also contain essential vitamins, fiber, omega fatty acids and minerals such as phosphorus and calcium.
Acai berries are not a punishment to eat! They are incredibly tasty; the taste of Acai berries is a bit of a combination of blueberries, chocolate and nuts . Delicious! This delicious taste of Acai berries also makes it attractive to follow an Acai berry treatment.
Acai berries provide good support during a certain diet and are therefore not a weight loss product in itself. Products with Acai promote intestinal function and natural bowel movements. In addition, they provide more energy, so that you continue to feel fit despite your diet. At Supernaturals.nl you will find special Acai Protein Powder: Acai Slim Supershake. This shake is a source of proteins and antioxidants. In combination with a diet, this is a good meal replacement.
Now that you can join the conversation about Acai berries, you will want to try them yourself! But, where can you buy Acai berries? At Supernaturals.nl you will find various Acai products. Biological Acai Powder , Organic Acai Tablets and Acai Protein Powder. Do you want to know where you can buy Acai Berry Juice? You can even find that in our Supernaturals webshop!